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The SERMAS toolkit integrates a set of predefined animations:

  • idle
  • listening
  • talking
  • waving

The animations are applied during the interaction with the user, making the avatar more realistic and human-friendly.

Adding animations

Custom animations can be created and added to the avatar interaction pipeline. The SERMAS avatar animations are based on the body skeleton structure (see RPM Body skeleton), so as long the animation is working with RPM models, it should work also with the SERMAS avatar ones.

The animations must be placed in the static folder of the Sermas kiosk, in order to be loaded at runtime:

| ├── animations
| │ ├── idle.glb
| │ ├── listening.glb
| │ ├── talking.glb
| │ └── waving.glb

It is also possible to add new type of animations by adding them to the static folder and managing the avatar behaviour by extending the AnimationLoader class in the SERMAS web toolkit.