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Create an application

To create an application, we are going to use the SERMAS CLI

Let's create a commodity alias for sermas-cli. It uses our same system user ID to avoid file permission issues.

If you're using Windows make sure to install and use WSL (Microsoft's tutorial to install WSL)

NOTE We assume you can use docker with your user. Add sudo to the command if it is not the case e.g. sudo docker ps

alias "sermas-cli=docker compose run --rm -it cli"

Login with the admin user

Use the following command and use the configured password (admin is the default).

sermas-cli auth login admin

Create an application template

The CLI uses a directory structure to create and keep updated the application definition. It allows to specify configuration and assets to be uploaded.

sermas-cli app init /apps/myapp

The resulting structure is similar to the following

└── myapp
├── app.yaml
├── modules.yaml
├── repository
│ ├── avatars
│ │ └── anna.yaml
│ ├── backgrounds
│ │ ├── milkyway.jpg
│ │ └── milkyway.yaml
│ ├── documents
│ │ ├── about.txt
│ │ ├── about.yaml
│ │ ├── toolkit.txt
│ │ └── toolkit.yaml
│ └── robots
│ └── my-agv.yaml
├── repository.yaml
├── settings.yaml
├── tools.yaml

We'll learn more about the app structure later.

Let's create the application in the SERMAS API with

sermas-cli app save /apps/myapp

You should see a confirmation message.

The newly created app can be used in the kiosk app on http://localhost:8080

In case you received an error, check for errors in the logs with docker compose logs api.