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System setup

Let's discover SERMAS in ~10 minutes.

What you'll need

We use containers to deliver the ready-to-use serivces.

Ensure you have installed

NOTE The guide assume a Linux Ubuntu/Debian environment. WSL has also been reported to work.

Running the Toolkit API

Obtain a copy of the SERMAS Toolkit API deployment files

git clone
cd sermas-toolkit-api

To use the Avatar capabilities (such as text to speech, speech to text, embeddings and chatting) we need to set an OpenAI Api Key. The toolkit supports also other options (such as Google services and open-source based models) but to ease the process, we will start with this.

Edit ./config/api/.env and set the variable OPENAI_API_KEY with the OpenAI obtained key.


NOTE OpenAI offers a free tier but for frequent usage you may need to setup a billing account.

SERMAS supports different LLMs backend. See the documentation in the LLMs section.


A default user with admin privileges (role platform-admin) is created by default with username admin and password admin. Those defaults can be controlled by settings ADMIN_USER and ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variables.

The system can create additional users at bootstrap from the file ./config/api/user.json

Start the system

Start the system with docker compose

docker compose up -d

The command will dowload the docker images and boostrap the services. It may take a while dependending on your connection.

Once completed, the API and the related services will be available on http://localhost:8080

As an example, you can try visiting the kiosk homepage or the API documentation to see if everything has worked as expected.