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Run the Application Locally



In order to use the authentication process, it is necessary to obtain a Google Client ID and a Client Secret from a Google Cloud instance and putting them inside the Docker Compose file. For the retrieval of informations, you can follow a guide at the following link.

Alternatively, if the authentication module is not needed, you can switch to the main-no-auth branch and build the application with the Docker Compose from there.


For executing on Windows Systems it is necessary to install beforehand an X11 Server, we advise VcXsrv Windows X Server that can be found at the following link, as well as Docker Desktop at the following link.

The following are the preliminary steps for executing only for Windows Systems.

  1. After having installed VcXsrv proceed to open with XLaunch
  2. Select Multiple Windows and specify 1 as Display number
  3. Select Start no client
  4. Ensure that Disable access control is checked
  5. Click Finish
  6. Open Docker Desktop
  7. Proceed with the instruction for the launch with Docker Compose specified below.


For executing on Linux Systems it is just necessary to install Docker Engine by following the guide for your distro at the following link. (ATTENTION Currently this version only work by using Docker Engine with sudo command and is not compatible with Docker Desktop for linux systems.)

The following are the preliminary steps for executing only for Linux Systems after having installed Docker Engine.

  1. Open the terminal (Restart it if is the same terminal from which you have just installed Docker engine) and type:.
xhost +local:docker
  1. Proceed with the instruction for the launch with Docker Compose specified below.


For executing on MacOs Systems is necessary to install both an X11 server, we advise XQuartz downloadable from the following link and Docker Desktop, downloadable from the following link.

(DISCLAIMER: Currently on Apple Silicon Processors the software may present some slow down due to the translation layer from x64 to ARM.)

  1. After having installed XQuartz proceed to open it.
  2. Open a terminal and type:
      xhost +local:docker
xhost +
  1. Open the docker-compose.yml and comment the following line:
      - DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-host.docker.internal:1}
  1. And remove the comment from the following line:
      # - DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0
  1. Proceed with the instruction for the launch with Docker Compose specified below.


Download the Docker Compose file at for the version with authentication, otherwise download the Docker Compose file here.

Launch all the containers required to run the application:

docker compose up -d

Stop all the containers of the application:

docker compose down

If the application is correctly deployed, it can be run by default at the link http://localhost:3000/.